Xi'an Bosen Bio-Tech Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Bosen Bio-Tech Co., Ltd.

The Five Major Roles of Peptides in the Human Body

1. The Active Role of Peptide

Peptide is the functional fragment of protein, which can also be said to be, the active fragment of protein. As we all know, protein is the basis of constituting human body, then peptide is the source of constituting active substance in human body. Without peptides the human body would be inactive and thus life would cease. All the life activities of human body are related to peptide, if lack of peptide, human body will easily have problems.

2. Neurotransmitter Role of Peptide

The human nervous system, which can quickly transmit all kinds of information generated in the human body, allows the brain to make timely decisions in response to the problems occurring in each organ. And all the nerves in the human body are in the form of peptides. Neuropeptides are vital substances found in the central nervous system, such as substance P, which was first discovered to be an excitatory transmitter released from the endings of primary sensory neurons and is related to pain perception and has a strong anti-morphine effect. They act as "messengers" in the human body, and can better improve the human body function.

3. Carrier Role of Peptide

In human body, generally through health products or food intake of various nutrients, such as calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, etc.. When absorbed in small intestine, these nutrients can easily form insoluble salts with other ions in the body, thus reducing their absorption rate. The carrier function that peptides have in the body can significantly reduce this situation. Before the nutrients reach the absorption site, the peptide can form soluble salts with the nutrient ions, thus greatly improving the absorption rate of the nutrients. This is the reason why many people have been taking calcium supplements for years without any significant effect. Therefore, the scientific method of calcium supplementation is: while supplementing calcium, you need to supplement small molecule active peptide, in order to maximize the effect of calcium supplementation!

4. The Regulatory Role of Peptide

Peptide can regulate the relevant enzymes in the body to ensure the smooth flow of metabolic pathways; it can also affect the synthesis of proteins by controlling transcription and translation, and finally produce specific physiological effects or play its pharmacological effects. Peptides are involved in regulating all life activities such as substance metabolism, hormone secretion, neural activity, cell growth and reproduction. For example, glucagon, a straight-chain peptide composed of 29 amino acids, can promote the degradation of liver glycogen to produce glucose to maintain blood glucose level, and also cause vasodilation and inhibit intestinal peristalsis and secretion.

5. The Power Role of Peptide

The human body needs energy to absorb various nutrients, but the absorption mechanism of small molecule peptide is zero consumption absorption, it does not need to consume human body's energy when it is absorbed by human body. The small molecule peptide is to promote the absorption of human body by its own power, when it plays the role of carrier and transportation for other nutrients, it also promotes the absorption of cells by its own energy. Therefore, small molecule peptide is important for people with poor digestion ability.


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